John Pfeiffer

Aquatic Ecologist
Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomist

Mr. Pfeiffer has been working in aquatic ecology and identifying aquatic macroinvertebrates for over 20 years, 12 years of which have been at EcoAnalysts. His primary duties at EcoAnalysts are: identification of freshwater and marine aquatic macroinvertebrates, supervising and training of taxonomic staff, taxonomic literature research and implementation of taxonomic quality assurance procedures. Mr. Pfeiffer completed his graduate studies at the University of Idaho where he developed a preliminary bioassessment protocol for mid-order streams in the Palouse Region of Idaho. Concurrent with his studies, he worked part-time for a natural resource consulting company where he was responsible for taxonomy lab supervision and project QA/QC. 

SFS Certifications 

General Arthropods East, 2012
General Arthropods West, 2012
EPT East, 2012
EPT West, 2012 


MS, Entomology
BS, Fisheries Resource Management