William LaVoie

Freshwater Invertebrate Taxonomist / Fish Biologist
Sales Representative

Mr. LaVoie joined EcoAnalysts in 2009 as a general taxonomist. He brought with him expertise in aquatic macroinvertebrate taxonomy, salmonid ecology, hydroelectric facilities, fish passage, stream habitat assessment, fish population assessment, periphyton taxonomy, ESA/NEPA documentation (BA, EA, EIS), habitat conservation plans, impact assessments, and watershed planning. His professional experience is split between taxonomic identification and enumeration of aquatic macroinvertebrates, fisheries biology and ichthyoplankton taxonomy, and non-diatom periphyton. 

In addition to five years of experience in environmental consulting, Mr. LaVoie completed seven years of fish passage and transportation related research on the Lower Snake and Columbia Rivers. Mr. LaVoie has experience as a taxonomy project coordinator overseeing taxonomic protocols, quality control, and data review. Mr. LaVoie has experience writing technical and non-technical proposals, budgets, reports, presenting proposals and research findings, design and construction of research equipment, and considerable field experience. 

SFS Certifications 

General Arthropods East, 2013
General Arthropods West, 2013
EPT East, 2013
EPT West, 2013
Chironomidae East, 2018
Chironomidae West, 2018 


MS, Zoology and Physiology
BS, Fish & Wildlife Resources